1、 The design theme of packing box shall be clear
包装盒设计主题要明确,设计符合产品特性,当一个产品包装盒缺乏主题时,就会输给同类型的产品,在销售路径中就会大打 节扣了。包装盒切忌内里不一,内里不一会造成一种欺骗的感觉,很难会有回头客。
The design theme of the packaging box should be clear, and the design conforms to the product characteristics. When a product packaging box lacks a theme, it will be lost to the same type of products, and there will be a big deduction in the sales path. The inside of the packing box should not be different. After a while, it will cause a feeling of deception, and it is difficult to have repeat customers.白钢雕塑 小型滚揉机 防火电缆 托辊设备 水刀切割机 铜钟 石雕狮子 校园不锈钢雕塑 扭王块模具
2、 Packaging box design should be realistic
包装盒要根据实际情况来设计,不能走过多的“捷径”,走过多的捷径会使产品华而不实,过度的修饰更是难有产品品质支撑 作保证,往往会被别人所诟病。
The packaging box should be designed according to the actual situation. We can't take many "shortcuts". Taking many shortcuts will make the products flashy, and excessive decoration is difficult to guarantee the product quality support, which is often criticized by others.
3、 Packaging box design should meet the needs of the trend
现在的包装盒设计虽然是企业定位,但定位上不得不符合环保的这个潮流,一个环保的包装盒会更让人吸引消费者了解,得到 消费者的认同,如产品更是与绿色环保有关的,这可以设计成环保再生包装,这样不但可以保护换进,而且可以得到保护产品性质。
Although the current packaging box design is an enterprise positioning, it has to comply with the trend of environmental protection. An environmentally friendly packaging box will attract more consumers to understand and be recognized by consumers. For example, the product is related to green environmental protection, which can be designed as environmentally friendly regeneration packaging, which can not only protect the product, but also protect the nature of the product.